Thursday, December 21, 2006

10 Minute Set

Since I usually go to Girya Thurs. evenings I started doing my workouts in the afternoon. I didn't need to go today, but decided to train in the afternoon anyway so I could get some errands done.

Unfortunately one of my errands was to go to Costco and I was sucked into a "free food" frenzy. But that's another story.

Here's today's Press Workout;

2:30 KB Clean, Press
all work done w/26lb.


40 2 hand swings, 1 min. on 1 min. rest x 3 sets = 6 min.

40 transfers L, R (80 reps) 2 min. on 1 min. rest x 2 sets = 6 min.

20 1 swing, 1 trans. L, 20 1 swing. 1 trans. R, 2 min. on 1 min, rest x 2 sets = 6 min.

Work Sets

11-12 clean, press, trans L, 11-12 clean, press, trans R = 2 min. on 1 min. rest

7 clean press L, trans, 7 clean,press R, trans, 7 clean press L, trans, 7 clean press R =
2 min. on 1 min. rest

1 clean, 8 press L, 1 clean, 8 press R = 1 min. on 1 min. rest

I alternated these 3 sets in this order x 5 sets. These 3 sets = 8 min x 5 sets = 40 min.

I was so pissed at myself for eating "sample crap" at Costco I decided to extend my workout longer than usual. I wanted to see how long I could swing the 26lb., so these are my next sets;

10 min. of 1 hand swings = 400 reps I switched hands every tenth rep, so basically every 15 secs. for 10 min., then took a 2 min. rest

20 L, 20 R, 20 L, 20 R 1 hand swings , 2 min. on 1 min. rest x 2 sets = 6 min.

30 L, 30 R, 1 hand swings , 1.5 min on x 1 set

Total time 1 hour 18.5 min.

AM weight 130.0
9:45am 45 min. walk (3 miles)

Thurs. menu

5-9:00 coffee w/cream, coffee w/cocoa powder 200 cal.
10:45 2 apples + 1 oz. cheese at Whole Foods grocery 300 cal.
12:30 oatmeal w apple (from yesterday) 270 cal.
1:00 brown sugar candy 100 cal.
1:30 Costco samples of candy, cake and other sweets 200 cal.
4:30 8 seared scallops w/ sauteed beets greens 490 cal.
Misc. 160 cal.

Total 1720

I try to remind myself every day that life is good. I know my life is good. But I was stressed out today. It felt like I was having a great run of predictability. Everything was flowing. But I let the schedule shifts and Holiday responsibilities start to get to me.

It started with "no yoga". Like I mentioned I had to switch studios and I misread the schedule so I couldn't go today. I couldn't go yesterday because the new studio doesn't have a 5:30am class. So I haven't been since Monday. I hate this change. I know it's a growing pain, and in the long run it'll be fine.

So I went for a long walk instead. I've been walking in my neighborhood lately because I haven't had the time to drive to the walking trail (takes about 20 min. there and back). When I walk on the street I have to pay attention to traffic and other obstacles. When I walk on the trail I don't have to worry about all those things and it becomes more meditative. Or I start thinking too much about all that I have to do. That's what happened today.

My oven's been broken for 2 weeks and won't get fixed until after Christmas (no annual prime rib dinner!) No Christmas tree for the 3rd year in a row ( I have 6 cats, that's another story). I've had my 24 year old son sleeping in my living room for a year. I haven't bought 1 gift yet for anyone for Christmas. It's been raining and I haven't been able to earn extra money at the flea market. My blog has turned into a part time job, does anyone really care? Bladha, bladha, bladha. I just want to sweat my ass off in yoga!

You know, if those are my biggest problems, life is good!

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